Blogposts strongly believes in the power of open science, especially for small but specialistic fields such as that of Neurosurgery.
In a series of monthly blogposts, OpenNeurosurgery invites scientists, clinicians and engineers at different stages in their career to give the community their perspective on the future of Neurosurgery and the importance of open science. We hope these blogposts ignite fruitful discussions and even inspire new contacts and collaborations.
Do you have an idea for a blogpost? Do you have a response or comment to a previous blogpost? Or would you like to nominate someone for the next invited blogpost? Feel free to contact us!
Blogpost of the Month
April 2022
Dr. Djaina Satoer, Assistant Professor and Clinical Linguist in the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, explains why Neurosurgery, Neuroscience, Linguistics and Psychology, must continue to unite if we want to truly understand what language is.
“The field of neurosurgery, in particular awake brain tumor surgery, has contributed significantly to the modern view of the language system in the brain.”
Upcoming blogposts
Previous blogposts
January 2022
Prof. Dr. Dirk de Ridder, Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Otago in New Zealand, explains in a special piece for his vision on why Neurosurgery and Neuroscience are in dire need of each other’s help.
“If Neurosurgery is here to stay, it should move from a simple anatomy-based discipline into the modern era of Neuroscience-inspired treatments”
March 2022
Dr. Ir. Vasiliki (Vasso) Giagka, Assistant Professor of Bioelectronics, explains why neuro-technology can only truly flourish in a multidisciplinary context.