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The website to promote open science in neurosurgical practice
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Dr. Djaina Satoer, Clinical Linguist and Assistant Professor in the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, explains why Neurosurgery, Neuroscience, Linguistics and Psychology, must continue to unite if we want to truly understand what language is.
The field of Neurosurgery, in particular awake brain tumor surgery, has contributed significantly to the modern view of the language system in the brain.

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Do you want to image an exposed Brain? Here's how!
Neurosurgical practice provides rare and direct access to the exposed human brain, which is otherwise safely hidden under the skull and dura. This exposure provides a unique opportunity for functional imaging of the brain, especially when harnessing techniques which have limited transcranial penetrability. How do we fully harness this potential? Which techniques are currently available or might become available in the near future to seize this opportunity?
OpenNeurosurgery.com now hosts a series of short but insightful explainers on >20 functional imaging techniques, co-moderated by experts in the respective fields, as an addition to the paper of Soloukey et al. (2023).
Cover Image made by François Blot
OpenNeurosurgery.com now hosts a series of short but insightful explainers on >20 functional imaging techniques, co-moderated by experts in the respective fields, as an addition to the paper of Soloukey et al. (2023).
Cover Image made by François Blot